COVID-19 Message

COVID-19 and Public Events at Randolph College: The College is carefully monitoring the changing situation, and will announce here and via e-mail of any scifest schedule changes that are necessitated to ensure the safety of all involved. The most up-to-date College response can be found at our dedicated site by clicking this link.

SCIFEST UPDATE 7-5-20: We are sorry that your lives have been disrupted, and hope that you and your families are able to stay healthy and happy this summer.

Currently, we are planning no live events for the public on campus in the fall of 2020. We are proceeding with the assumption that SciFest 2021 will occur as planned March 25-28, 2021. Of course, none of us know at this point what the spring will look like in terms of Federal, State, Local, and College policies, but we are hopeful and currently planning on proceeding with events as planned.

Current events:

  • During July, we will be working out how to proceed virtually with the Poetry Jam reading and awards
  • During July, we will be working out how to proceed virtually with the SciFest STAR award ceremony
  • We will be doing a virtual version of Physics Phest quiz bowl during the fall
  • We are always accepting nomination packages for SciFest STAR High School Science Teacher Award
  • We are always accepting science and math based poetry for Poetry Jam 2021
  • We are working on how we want to do Scientist Goes to the Movies
  • We are working on ways to distribute SciFest 2020 t-shirts
  • All other SciFest events have been held virtually or are cancelled until 2021. See the Virtual SciFest 2020!